Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Methods of Website Promotion

By Michael Medeiros

Promoting a Website is not an easy task. New Website Developers may have the impression of building a Website and sales are generated. This is far from true. There are millions of Websites. Within those millions, there are bound to be competitors. To rise above, or obtain a portion of the market-share, developers need to utilize an effective promotion campaign.

Establishing a Website is not much different than a brick-and-mortar business. Open a Deli in the heart of a City and millions of potential customers will pass daily. In contrast, open the Deli in the suburbs, and there would be one quarter of the potential customers. Obviously, the City would be much more expensive to get started and maintain, but the revenue should provide for the added expense.

The same holds true in Website Promotion. However, the landscape is different. There are no streets and sidewalks customers have to use. Therefore, our businesses need to be found by customers in a variety of places. It needs to be brought to the potential customer, or viewable from wherever they may be lurking.

Where do we start with Website Promotion?

One of the topics sweeping the developer’s world is Optimization. The internet will naturally bring potential customers, if the site is optimized properly. Computers work hard on matching relevant information. This is a huge benefit to e-business owners.

Before promotion begins, or altering existing efforts, understand the Internet’s backbone. Why has the World Wide Web become popular? Most should agree, information retrieval rules. Internet users don’t have to sit down and watch television waiting for local weather. They don’t have to wait for news of interest. They don’t have to drive to find the best prices. They don’t have to look through cook-books to find a recipe. They don’t have to talk to salespeople for a car. Today it’s all on the, “information,” super highway.

As a developer, focus on information delivery before beginning promotion of a Website. If a page can be divided into two topics, make two separate pages. Over-use of graphics can present problems too. While it’s nice to make a Site pretty, most people don’t care. They want the information or products they are seeking. Sectors such as art could be an exception, but for the most part, lots of graphics are a waste. People read on the internet. Give people something to read, not just something to view.

Promotion Budget

If launching a new campaign, it may take time to decipher an effective budget. There are simple variables that should be considered with budgeting. Given the potential scope of a Website, advertising should be devoted to different areas of the site. For example, paying to promote the free portion of a Website is not logical. In contrast, a free forum may sell advertising. The advertising segment of the site should be exploited.

There is a simple formula to develop a budget. If a site is new, it takes some research and investment to draw an accurate conclusion. Put simply, consider the following; how many potential customers are required to make a sale? From each sale, how much profit is generated? Of the profits, how much is invested into advertising? This identifies the value of potential customers. If ten customers make one sale, and ten dollars are allocated towards advertising, each customer is potentially worth one dollar. However, room for growth could be made by reducing the value of a potential customer or increasing the advertising contribution. A competitive sector may force reduced profits rather than reduced value of potential customers.

Comprehensive budgeting could be applied to aspects of the business. Promote each aspect as a unique entity. For example, a Website that sells music and movies could have separate budgets for the segments. This could reveal vital information to the survival of a business. Implement effective models that assist in tracking expense and results. This is fairly simple with website statistics and tracking tools.

Free Traffic Promotion – Keywords and Phrases

When it comes to free traffic, it’s about information retrieval. People utilize tools that provide information accurately and quickly. These tools rely on the developer’s interpretation of a Website or page (On-Site Optimization). What is the Website or page about? What phrases are people looking for that want to use this site? Information retrieval is a complicated double-edge-sword between people surfing the web and people creating the web. When the people creating the web do not create clear and focused pages, people surfing the Web cannot find them.

Free traffic is a gift from creating user friendly pages, clearly focusing on a specific topic, and the result of promotion efforts. It stems from a good balance. While free traffic primarily comes from Search Engines, it also comes from referring sites. People will write about a Website in blogs, forums, or on their personal pages. People will add links to Sites they like.

If developers hunt for free traffic, problems can arise. Hunting for free traffic has made developers try tricks that got the site removed from Search Engines. This can present a big problem as they are a large source of free targeted traffic. Keep free traffic in mind while promoting a Website, but don’t make it the focus of promotion. It will come naturally over time. Take it as a gift and an acknowledgement that a Website has been optimized well, presents clear information, and is promoted in the right places. Although some may argue the point, don’t anticipate quality free traffic to begin immediately. It takes extensive thought, advertising, and planning for this to happen, especially within competitive sectors.

Promoting in Directories

One place to start promoting a Website is Website Directories. Most directories are organized by topic. Some are more comprehensive than others. In addition, there are, “Niche,” directories that focus on one topic. For example, there are directories for shopping, reference, art, and automotive sites. In contrast, there are general directories that provide all the niches.

Finding an appropriate place within a directory may be difficult. Directories can a large structure. However, a comprehensive structure benefits advertisers with targeting. Comprehensive directories enable developers’ to classify a Website. For example, it maybe possible to promote a site the sells speakers, for cars, but only domestic cars, and ones that are late model. In addition, some directories may implement regional indexing. Targeting an index in a directory can be complex, but it can be a great benefit too.

Don’t expect to rush from directory to directory and establish a bunch or references. Each directory is unique. Take time to understand how the directory is structured, what they expect as a title and description, and how the suggestion process works. Seek similar sites; take note of where they appear, and how they are described.

Directories are generally affordable solutions. Most Directories are indexed by search engines. They help search engines understand a sites focus. In addition, they are a reference point for some people. It may be a good idea to seek-out one or two directories a week, or as appropriate to a budget. Finding good directories will consume a lot of time. However, once a link is added, it will remain there for a long duration.

News and Media Promotion – Public Relations

Public Relations an important factor when promoting any Business. News and Media channels are the vehicles that convey information to the public. News about a business can make a huge impact on the public. Good news can make lots of people remember a business. Some developers release news about every change or added feature to a Website. Ironically, some developers never utilize this area of promotion.

There are a variety of distribution sites that will expose news releases to numerous channels, for a modest fee. In addition, most will offer free options. It may be a good idea to utilize free options for news that is not very important. For example, adding a, “Calculator,” to a Website probably will not gain much attention. However, anything that may be important to the public needs to be announced.

If it can be added to the budget, outsource public relations efforts. PR companies have knowledge of what the media likes and contacts that make them valuable. PR specialists can be found in almost every City.

Ezine Articles - Provide Rich Content

Writing articles is a powerful promotion tool. Some developers refer to this as, “Viral Marketing”. There are Websites that require content. Content brings them traffic. Traffic builds valuable ad space.

Article Distribution sites assist promoters with circulating articles. Many Ezines rely on Distribution Sites for their content. Post an article to a distribution site and the article is, “up-for-grabs,” to anyone. The article begins to circulate the internet like a virus. Everywhere it appears, reference is given to the author and their Website.

Advertising on the Web

There are a variety of reference websites. Generally, these sites consist of Forums, Article content, and Online Chats. They rely on selling ad space as the main revenue stream. While some reference developers are, “trying to rich quick,” there are sites that offer affordable solutions to promote a Website. With free traffic in mind, seek-out text link advertising venues. Look for sites that charge a flat fee. Sites that charge per click or by the impression usually mask links for tracking. This does not build good recognition with search engines.

Seek relevant opportunities for promoting the Website. If the allows people to buy tennis shoes, a sports reference and information area may be prove beneficial. Another might be a reference site about footwear. Trial and error will reveal good advertising sources for promotion. Regardless of the site being promoted, there are reference areas that are valuable promotion tools.

Promotion Summary

The internet moves fast in certain aspects. When it comes to Website promotion, it moves slowly. Modifications that are made to a Web Page are not going to be seen the next day. Significant results appear months later. The most important area of promotion, is keeping accurate records. Website promotion is complex. Developers need to consider on-site and off-site optimization, targeting, and ad construction. The right mix can provide a significant advantage over the competition.

Michael Medeiros has an extensive background in business and advertising. He is the proprietor of the Mjmls Classifieds (, which is an open-source advertising solution for businesses and individuals.

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Easiest Way To Build Web Site Traffic

By Robert Roy

Yes, the best and easiest way to build Web site traffic is to write articles. And save A lot of time submitting them.

It is through well written articles and keeping your visitor wanting to learn more that you will see more traffic on your Web site. More traffic means more profit for you.

There are many reasons why you need to write articles. Here are just a few. 1. It is easy to do. You can write articles based on your area of expertise or niche. Even if you are not an expert you can learn by surfing the Web. Reading a few articles on the subject will enhance your knowledge to allow you to write an article.

I feel that an article should be more than 400 words but leas than 1500. Unless it's a sales page you will tend to lose your audience with more than 1500 and not build Web site traffic.

2. You will get a pre-targeted audience. People who read your article are those who are interested in your target. Once they are interested, it doesn't take much to get them pre-sold, increase your Web site traffic. And then ka-ching - a sale.

3. Better links. One of the ways that search engines give a site higher rankings is based on the number of "back links". If those reading your articles are interested they will check out your Web site and bingo, you have another back link.

Links back to your site give more points to your rankings then those from your site to other Web sites.

4. Need a call for action. In most of your articles you need to let your readers know what you would like them to do. Either sign up for your e-zine, go to another page that will pre-sell them or purchase a product. In most articles you will have a way to use a "resource box". This is where you will put your "call to action" as well as possibly a little bit about you the author. Here is my resource box for my orchid site articles. "Sign up for tips in our monthly Orchid Newsletter and get your copy of "All About Orchids" e-book and your 10% Discount on an orchid. "

I find that the best way for me to write an article is to read 3 or 4 articles about orchids or internet business. Once I finish this I usually have a good idea about what I will write about. Possibly then read a few more articles on the topic and begin writing and watch the Web site traffic increase.

At times, some webmasters don't have the time to write. There are many free lance writers out there who will write articles for you and not charge a lot of money. Some examples are Elance and Rent A Coder.

Once you write an article I suggest that you submit it to article directories. These are some of the best places for "new visitors" to find out about you and what you are saying. Once you get it into the directories you will notice an increase in your Web site traffic.

What a wonderful surprise when I started doing this I noticed a 30% increase in traffic within the first week. It seems the more I submit the more traffic.

You do need to know that submitting to directories is tedious work and takes time. It was taking me about 6 hours to submit to about 40 directories.

Now it takes me about 11/2 hours.

Do you want to see how I freed up 5 hours? Go to my Web site page

The easiest, best time saving way to submit articles to hundreds of site. Saves you hours!

My name is Bob Roy and I enjoy helping to make a new internet business successful. I have expertise in using the only all-in-one internet business package. I kinow that if you start an internet business you want it to be a success and I will be able to help you. Go to for more information.

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Sunday, March 12, 2006

5 Quick and Easy Steps On HOW-TO Send Your Website A SURGE Of Amazon’s Traffic For FREE!

by Cory Threlfall
(c) The IWE, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

What I’m about to reveal to you in this article will
literally change the way you look at ‘Amazon’ forever.

As you know, Amazon is a buyers market place and is a VERY
powerful search engine for products of all sorts,
especially Books.

Now, you’re probably saying to yourself, “yeah, I already
know that about Amazon, but how do I get my share of
Amazon’s traffic?”.

Well, I’m going to answer that question in just a few
moments, but first, here’s just some of the benefits you’ll
receive once you’ve ‘Set-Up’ what I’m about to show you:

- you’ll position yourself as an Expert within your Niche

- you’ll receive Highly Targeted traffic to your website

- you’ll be able to build a HIGHLY targeted ‘Opt-In’ list

Those are some pretty Powerful benefits wouldn’t you say?

And who would of ever guessed that Amazon could deliver
this to you.

I only recently learned of this tactic myself from a Very
well known Internet marketer who was kind enough to share
it with me.

So now, I’m going to do the same for you.

Are you ready to see what Amazon can do for your Business
and Credibility?

Enough said, lets get started.

Step #1. Set up a account with Amazon.

This is the easiest part of the whole task. Simply go to and set up an account for yourself.

This should only take a few minutes and is very straight

Step #2. Click on your “Your Name” Store tab.

Once you’ve set up your account you should have been given
a password in order to login to your account.

If you’re not logged in already, login now.

Now, from within the members area there should be a row of
tabs at the top of the members area, click on the one that
says “Your Name” Store(ex. ‘Corys Store’ tab).

This will take you to a different area with a different

Click on the tab in the sub-menu that says “About You Area”.

Step #3. Setting up your “About You Area”.

Now this is where you have to pay ‘Special Attention’
because this is what people will see when they click on
your ‘About You’ tab.

Assuming you are at the ‘About You Area’ you’ll notice that
you have spots available to put your Picture, Name,
Nickname, eMail Address, Real Name and About Me.

Go ahead and fill out all the area’s accept your ‘About Me’.

The ‘About Me’ spot is what I’ll talk about in the next
step, but for now, just fill out all the other area’s and
if you want to put up a picture of yourself, you can, it’s
up to you.

Step #4. Setting up the ‘About Me’ section.

This is probably the single most important part of this
whole process because this is where your potential customer
will read about who you are and what you and your business
is all about, so do take this seriously.

Now, you have about 4,000 characters of space to write up a
description about who you are and what your business is
about, so its up to you on how long you want your
description to be.

Before you start writing your description this is what You
have to do First within the first 70 to 80 characters of
your ‘About Me’ description and I’ll show you an example of
how mine looks so you’ll be able to see this in action.

(ex. About me: Hi, I’m Cory Threlfall and I’m the
Editor/Publisher of ‘’ which is
a …)

Do you see what I’ve done?

I’ve incorporated my ‘Domain Name’ in quotes into my First
70 to 80 characters of my description so when they click on
my ‘About Me’ and read my profile they’ll also see my
Domain Name, and if they wish to find out more about me
they can either ‘Copy and Paste or Type’ my domain into
there browser which will then bring them to my website
where they can either ‘Subscribe’ to my newsletter or read
my sale copy which will then get them to Opt-In to my

This is where the ‘List Building’ starts to take place from
the traffic sent through Amazon.

Now, we’ve already established that Amazon is a High
Traffic website and now that you’ve set up your ‘About Me
Area’ the way I’ve outlined it above I’m now going to show
you how to direct Amazon’s traffic to your website.

Step #5. Directing Amazon’s traffic to your website.

This is where the fun starts. And once you see How its done
you’ll probably kick yourself in the butt like I did when I
was shown How-To do this.

What we need to do now is a little exercise so you’ll see
for yourself how you’ll tap into Amazon’s traffic.

So, we know that Amazon is best known for Books, so click
on the ‘Books’ tab within Amazon’s members area. This will
take you to a different page.

In the upper left corner you’ll see a ‘Search Books’ search

Now, for the purpose of this exercise, just so that we’re
on the same page, lets use ‘internet marketing’ as the
search term.

So, go ahead and type that in and press GO!.

You should now see a bunch of listings on books related to
‘internet marketing’.

Scroll down and select the “33 Days To Online Profits”
link. This will bring you to its Product Description page.

Within this Product Description page you’ll find Product
Details, Editorial Reviews and most important of all, All
Customer Reviews.

Notice I said “and most important of all, All Customer

Thats right, all you need to do is ‘Write Reviews’ on books
within your particular Niche and when potential customers
are reviewing the book you wrote the review on and they
scroll down and happen to read your review and click on
Your Name to see what you’re all about, guess what they’ll

They’ll see your profile with your Name, Nick Name, eMail
Address and your ‘About Me’ description with your Domain
Name screaming out at them which can easily be typed into
there browser.

There you have it, “5 Quick and Easy Steps On HOW-TO Send
Your Website A SURGE Of Amazon’s Traffic For FREE!”

I truly hope you see the benefits of writing reviews and
how it will make you look in the eyes of your potential

This is a great tactic to use if you’re looking to
establish yourself as an Expert within your Niche and at
the same time, build a HIGHLY targeted ‘Opt-In’ list that
you can market to for years to come.

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Explode Your Google Adsense and Affiliate Commissions Through Niche Blog Content Sites

by Cory Threlfall
(c) The IWE, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Content as we know it is the Life-Blood or FUEL, if you
will, of the Internet.

That was and still is the Internets sole purpose, except
only now it’s commercialized, giving the online
entrepreneur the world at their fingers tips.

And the facts are that usually when people first come
online it’s not to go purchase something, it’s to look for
Information that will answer a question they might have
about a particular product they’re interested in and/or to
a problem they are dealing with and are searching for a

Ask yourself this, “Why do I go online?”

Does it resemble anything like what I just stated?

Only you can answer that.

These are simply the facts with out a doubt… Period!

Now that you have an idea of WHY people come online, I’m
now going to explain to you how you can…

“Explode Your Google Adsense and Affiliate Commissions
Through Niche Blog Content Sites”

Did you notice the last two words within the quotations?

That’s right, Content Sites.

What are Content Sites?

I think it’s pretty self explanatory but the basic
definition of a Content Site is this - it’s a site that
contains targeted content that targets a particular niche
or many niches.(niche examples: cars, fitness, hobbies,

Not quite up to speed on what a blog is, here’s a quick
definition of a blog - a blog(A.K.A. Web-Log) is simply a
place to go and post your personal thoughts that you can
share with your subscribers and/or readership and receive

Now that you know the basic definitions of a Content Site
and a Blog lets continue.

Content Sites can contain Hundreds-to-Thousands of pages of
keyword rich content, which by the way is exactly what the
Search Engines love and will come back for if New content
is added on a frequent basis giving the owner of that site
lots of opportunity to benefit from the Free traffic
inwhich the content pages, or what I like to call Feeder
Pages, generate.

So, now that you have an idea of what a Content Site and a
Blog is it’s now time to tell you how you can build your
own Niche Blog Content Site Empire, no matter what your
niche is, using Blogs, Google Adsense and ClickBank
affiliate products.

Bare in mind that the steps outlined below are only going
to be a summarization of the actual process involved.

So, with that said, here it is.

Step #1. Set up a Blog.

The first step is quite simple. All you have to do is set
up a Blog either through… -

or… -

This blog your setting up is going to be the foundation of
your Niche Blog Content Site and is where the rest of the
pieces of the puzzle are going to be added to once you’ve
set it up.

(Quick Tip: Make sure you use your Target Keywords within
your URL of your niche blog and in the Title and
Description. VERY Important!)

Once you have your niche blog set up move on to Step #2.

Step #2. Adding your Google Adsense code.

Depending on your experience with scripting and html, it’s
now time to add your Google Adsense code to your new niche
blog in 3 strategic places.

Google allows you to add 3 Google Adsense blocks only to
one page, no more than that, so I recommend one at the Top,
one in the Right or Left sidebar depending on the template
you choose and one at the Bottom of your blog.

By doing this your almost forcing your reader to click on a
link within the Google Adsense block, which is of course,
is exactly what you want and where your going to make the

The other great thing about Google Adsense is the ads are
targeted to the content that you post, giving the reader
even more reason to click through.

Here’s a few resources for you that will show you how to
add the Google Adsense code to your blog using the services
I mentioned above if your not sure how to yourself.

Simply follow the instructions and you’ll have Google
Adsense installed on your niche blog in no time.

Step #3. Find a related ClickBank product.

Now it’s time to go shopping at - - for a related information
product that targets your niche.

Once there click on the link Earn Commissions at the bottom.

This will bring to to their directory where you’ll find
many products to choose from that will target any niche
your blog is about.

(Quick Tip: The first 10 listed under each category are the
TOP converting programs, meaning… their the ones making
the most money.)

If you don’t have a nickname you’ll have to
sign up for one. It’ll only take you a few minutes.

From there, once you’ve chosen a program to join your going
to want to collect all the affiliate materials available,
like Articles, Banners, Text Links, etc., because your
going to place these on your NEW niche blog site with your
affiliate link linked to them so when your reader clicks on
them and decides to buy the related information, you get
the commission.

Well… there you have it, 3 steps to “Explode Your Google
Adsense and Affiliate Commissions Through Niche Blog
Content Sites”.

Now the only thing left for you to do is to start building
an audience by promoting your Blog.

Here’s a few resources for you to get started with.

Ping-O-Matic -

RSS Top 55 -

Remember this is just a summarized version and is only
going to give you the basic steps, so good luck to you and
your Niche Blog Content Site Empire.

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Real Link Popularity Has Nothing To Do With Search Engines

Although Google uses the phrase “link popularity” as a way to describe how they ranked sites in the early days, and still do in some fashion, link popularity means far more to website promoters than a measure of search engine worthiness.

Link popularity as a marketing tool was around long before Google or any search engines existed. Links are the thread that weaves the web together. Search engines didn’t invent this, they capitalized on it just like all sites on the web have since the beginning.

Your link popularity in a real sense is not a contrived “weight and measure” of your site’s worthiness to be ranked well in a search engine.

Your link popularity is actually based upon how many traffic-driving, visible links you have pointing to your site from other sites in your niche and even from less “relevant” sites than search engines want you to be linked to.

If you can get targeted traffic to your site from another site, regardless of search engine imposed rules for relevancy, by exchanging links or posting on a forum or sharing an article or press release, by all means do so!

Do not worry about people telling you that you are going to ruin your rankings in the engines if you don’t link properly. 90% of the advice out there is from search engine junkies and geeks who rely 100% on search engine traffic.

Without search engines, they couldn’t market their sites to save their lives. Of course they don’t want to do anything to hurt their rankings, their entire livelihood is tied up in that one source of traffic!

Those people are far different from average website owners. We take the search engine rankings we can get PLUS all the other traffic from other sites that we can get. According to our own in-house case studies that’s 80%-85% of the traffic of average sites that have a well rounded marketing campaign!

So it is easy to see why we pay less attention to search engines than the geeks do. The engines only contribute at best 15% of the visitors to any of the sites in our network. (And that’s for purposefully optimized sites using all the tricks and tactics the geeks told us to!)

Therefore, nowadays we give search engines no more than 15% of our time and go for real link popularity that includes a plethora of promotion options.

While people who sit and wait on search engine traffic often find themselves getting bored with little to do, we never run out of promotion that we can do for our sites.

There is always something you can be doing to gain link popularity (link popularity = marketing) every moment you are logged on.

If you find yourself twiddling your thumbs without a clue what you are going to do next to promote your site, there is something wrong with your marketing campaign. It is deficient in Vitamin Link.

You can fix an anemic marketing campaign by spending more time getting content created and syndicated, adopting RSS as a highly valuable traffic generator, and making partnerships out of link partners.

Get (and give) more than simple link exchanges. Exchange articles, other content, and get each others’ links in prominent places around your sites.

Exchange newsletter sign up pages (squeeze pages) or allow people to additionally opt in to your partners list after they opt in to yours.

There are far more ways to promote your site and gain valuable, REAL link popularity than myopic and short-sighted search engine marketing could ever give you.

Don’t get caught up in the search engine marketing myth. There are only ever 10 spots available for your keywords that will get you any significant traffic from any given engine.

What surprises most people who get far enough along in their real link popularity campaign is that they get great rankings in the engines after all. Just by marketing to their audience and not to the engines.

Case in point: A lot of search engine traffic is generated to my blog and other sites from people searching for “jack humphrey.” But customers and readers KNOW to search for my name from all the other marketing that I do to put my name at their fingertips. It’s branding as much as link popularity.

The end result is easy search engine rankings for a name that is not competitive but that, because of all the other marketing efforts in my campaign, puts me in the right places in the engines without any more effort than simply increasing my link popularity by marketing to my niche market.

Marketing to your market, wherever they surf and not just where they occasionally search, is a fail-safe way to market any kind of site on the web. One that lowers the risk of failure (over single-minded search engine obsession) and guarantees longevity and ever-increasing traffic over time.

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Friday, March 10, 2006

Paris Hilton's Reputation is SHOT! How's Yours?

By John Gergye

With apologies for the cheap trick of mentioning Paris Hilton to get your attention, coming to grips with the idea you're about to discover is critically important to your success with search engines!

Because while it's true that there are many factors that determine how well a page ranks in Google - did you know that one stands out above the rest? It's link text. (Also known as anchor text?)

So much so, link text can be the deciding factor when chasing top rankings for extremely competitive keywords.

And for sure can't hurt for lesser search terms.

You see link text creates what's known as "link reputation". Have enough links using the same phrase as the link text and Google can’t help but conclude that's what the page linked to is all about.

Yeah but…how powerful is the link text of inbound links, really?

Well guess what? It's so powerful you can land top listings for a given keyword phrase without the keyword phrase even appearing anywhere on the page.

Since I can sense your skepticism from here, let me prove it using 6 examples which I was able to dig up in about 15 minutes. Starting with

===> The "website traffic" Mystery

First I did a search for "website traffic" in Google.

When I did the search, (and we both know things can change) this site,, was poised in position #3.

Casino affiliates?

Not necessarily what would come to mind as a site dealing with website traffic now is it?

Yet try as I might, when I searched that page for the term "website traffic" I couldn’t find it. Not even once. But when I went in search of the links to that page however here’s what I did find:

"Buy website traffic - casino traffic - You can choose to buy website traffic or if you own an online casino you can buy complete packages including signups, banner displays and unique visitors. This can push your website traffic and signups dramatically."

Huh? See that? That listing’s got "website traffic" in the link text. And a couple more times in the description.

I guess the only possible explanation for the #3 ranking for "website traffic" is the link text. That’s what is causing that page to rank #3 for that term.

===> Cell Phone

For example two I searched on "cell phone". This time Sprint PCS came in at #5 out of 5,100,000 listings in Google.

Once again, the term "cell phone" did NOT appear anywhere on their page.

===> Laptop/Laptops Examples

Next I tried "laptop". The Apple Powerbook listing came in at #4. Yet, and you guessed it, the word "laptop" was no where to be found on that page.

Since I was in the neighborhood, for the fourth example I gave "laptops" a shot. The site was sitting in #4 out of 5,910,000 competing pages when I did that search. Yet once again, the word "laptops" doesn’t show up on that page either.

Of course a check of the backlinks turned this up from the Yahoo Directory:

"Discount Laptops - retailer of new and refurbished notebook computers."

Oh and I found the exact same listing in DMOZ. Since it featured "Discount Laptops" as the link text, it’s only natural Google would conclude the page is about what else? Laptops!

===> Jobs currently holds down the #1 spot for the search term "jobs". Once again, (you beginning to see a trend here?) the word "jobs" does not even appear on that page.

===> Money

Finally I searched on "money". Perched at #16 was MasterCard’s website. Here too, the word "money" was not used even once in the visible text.

===> Summing Up This Link Text Stuff

Based on the evidence when it comes to ranking high in Google, saying link text trumps all is surely not too strong of a statement.

In fact it’s absolutely positively true. Focusing on link text is a surefire Google seo tactic. Yes, content counts, but link text counts for more..

Making link text the closest thing to a sure thing you can get.

Simply put, link text, which is used to develop your site’s link reputation, is one of the most powerful seo techniques going. It gives you ranking momentum like nothing else. Use tightly focused link text with links from high PR pages and you’ve got yourself an unstoppable combination.

So are you capitalizing on the power of link text?

Are you constantly getting links with the appropriate link text in them?

If not why not?

Because as I’ve shown you - link text really does trump all.

John Gergye shares more ideas like this in his recently updated eBook "Traffic From Google in 35 Days". Find out more here: Or test your search engine IQ by taking his seo quiz and get the free special report "Coming Out On Top".

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Does Your Site Deserve a Top Ten Search Engine Ranking?

By Donald Nelson, copyright 2005

"Can you get my site a top ten ranking in Google?" Many people
ask this question to search engine optimization professionals,
but how many people have ever asked them selves whether their
site "deserves" a top ten ranking in the leading search engines?

Look at it from the point of view of the search engines and the
users of the search engines. The search engines are trying to
offer the best possible matches for queries that people make, and
the searchers want to see the most relevant sites in the first
page of results. So, is your website really among the ten best in
your field? Before you answer the question here are a few things
to consider.

1. Are you an industry leader? Be Realistic. If you are a one-man
or one-woman outfit working from a computer in your basement, you
may not be able to provide the same services, information and
products as competitors who have larger, more-experienced and
better equipped staff.

Although, the search engine robots do not "know" that you are a
new start-up operation, the differences between industry leaders
and beginners is usually reflected in some of the parameters that
search engines measure, and more often than not, the well
established firms wind up at the top of the heap.

2. Does Your Site Look Good? While robotic search engines can't
tell whether a site is pleasing to the eye, the human editors who
decide which sites get listed in directories, such as the Open
Directory Project, are definitely influenced by a site's design.
If you want to compete with the leaders in your field, your site
will have to measure up to the standards set by professionally
designed sites.

3. Is Your Site Content-Rich? This is one of the factors that
separate the top sites from the others. If you offering ten gift
baskets for sale, while your competitor has two hundred items on
display, then his or her site will have more references and links
with the keywords "gift baskets" and this will certainly be
reflected in search engine rankings.

If your competitors have pages and pages of information, articles
and reviews about their products, while you have a skimpy
brochure-like website, then which sites do you think will have
the advantage in the rankings?

4. Is Your Website an "Authority" Site? An authority site is a
site that is recognized as an important source of information in
a particular field. It is often mentioned, and linked to by other
sites. Such a site does not have to go out and search for links.
The websites of the World Bank, United Nations, American Cancer
Society and Greenpeace are examples. You don't have to be this
famous to be an authority site, but you should have an
industry-wide reputation for excellence.

5. Have You Been Around a Long time? A site that has been on the
web since 1996 usually has an advantage in search engine rankings
over a start-up. A site that has been on the web for many years
will have acquired more links and will probably have built up
rich content, and this will usually give it a better placement in
search engine rankings. You can check out your competitors by
doing a "whois" search and see when their website was launched.
The whois searches can be conducted from the websites of the
large domain-name registrars like GoDaddy, Directnic and others.

I haven't written this to discourage anyone from entering the
Internet or with purpose of asking the small sites to fold up and
let the big guys monopolize the web. Despite the obstacles, the
Internet offers a tremendous opportunity for anyone wishing to
spread ideas or do business, and, if you "pay your dues" and work
skillfully, the day will come when your website will be among the
top sites in your field.

Donald Nelson is a web developer, editor and social worker. He
has been working on the Internet since 1995, and is currently the
director of A1-Optimization (, a
firm providing low cost search engine optimization, submission
and web promotion services.

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Are your SEO efforts going to waste?

by: Derek Croote

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a long and complicated process that can be highly rewarding if done correctly. SEO is not a waste of time, but can be if your site doesn’t appeal to visitors or function properly. Your potential customer will be turned off if your site lacks trustworthiness, an eye pleasing color scheme and easy to use navigation. Why lose visitors and possible sales because of a small design flaw or unappealing color scheme? Those visitors could have resulted in sales if those small imperfections were fixed.

As I arrive from your high position in the search engines looking for your product, I want to be able to trust the company I am buying from. People are very leery with making purchases on the Internet, and even more so from sites they don’t know a great deal about. You want to gain trust from the visitor with guarantees, a professional design and color scheme, testimonials and by any other way. If your site doesn’t boast its trustworthiness and make me feel secure, do you think I will purchase your product? No. Visitors are especially leery when they are required to give credit card information. Make them feel protected, boast about your privacy policy, encrypted servers and whatever else you have set up. Be enthusiastic about your site’s security.

I need to be able to find what I want and navigate to where I need to go FAST after I arrive at your site via the search engines. Some visitors get lost and frustrated with poor navigation and will leave your site without a second thought. Do not leave your visitor with a bad taste in their mouth! Allow them to flow through your site with ease and comfort. If your navigation is confusing your potential customer will likely leave and travel to one of the other three billion web sites on the Internet. Speed is also a factor in navigation. Visitors don’t want to sit there for twenty or thirty seconds while your page loads. Don’t make them wait. Cut down on the size of your pages and graphics.

The colors you choose for your site also impact on whether the visitor will make a purchase. A color scheme that hurts the eye will turn visitors off which will lead to lost sales. Visitors may also question how accountable your site is. You cannot have a black background with white, yellow or neon green text. It hurts the eyes. Color schemes such as that scare visitors away. With professional colors visitors will likely feel more secure and relaxed while surfing your site, which will lead to more sales.

A top position in the search engines can provide huge amounts of sales, if your site can be trusted and appeal to visitors. With a defective design and color scheme, slow loading pages or lack of trustworthiness all of the time spent performing SEO could go to waste. So get out, fix those flaws and discover more sales!

Please make sure to include the author and website provided.
-Scott Fish, Satellite Radio receivers and history.

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Free Web Site Traffic - 4 Keys to Website Promotion

By Tammy Ames

Web site traffic promotion on the cheap is labor intensive but quickly mastered if you know where to start. Free web site traffic doesn’t mean massive submission to search engines or traffic exchanges. Carving out a web site promotion strategy following basic guidelines will bring the targeted web site traffic you need to have a successful online business.

Keys to web site promotion

Search engine optimization (SEO)

The first step to online web site promotion is ensuring that your web site is optimized for search engine traffic. Every page of your website needs to be worked with strong targeted page titles, heading tags and original content rich with key words chosen to reach your niche market. If you are a self-directed learner then your best bet would be Jill Whalen’s Nitty Gritty of Writing for Search Engines.

If you need more support and would prefer learning search engine optimization in a classroom format then I recommend Cricket Bailey’s SEO class found at GNC Web Creations.

Ezine (Online Newsletter) Publishing

Newsletter publishing is a powerful way to stay connected to visitors to your website and help generate repeat traffic to your online business. By creating fresh content and strong readership, your newsletter will be forwarded to others leading to a growing subscriber list. Strong design and subscriber interaction, a newsletter will generate regular traffic that over time will build your credibility and name recognition ~ Branding.

Business Blog

Blogging for online business is quickly becoming one of the best web site traffic generators you can find that doesn’t have to cost you anything. You invest your time learning how blogging works for business then you set up your blog and start using the information you have learned to generate targeted traffic to your website. The most popular free online blogger is which although is owned by Google does not have any extra perks for search engine traffic generation and the initial traffic you draw is to someone else’s site ~ Blogger.

If you have your own website that you have control of your c-panel then check to see if you have Fantastico which allows you to set up your own blog. If you set up your new blog within your own website then your blog is essentially free unless you need to upgrade your hosting to accommodate the increase in bandwidth used with higher traffic but that is a good thing!

A blog with strong titles, quality content and strategic pinging plus rss feeds will be your key to fast search engine indexing, traffic to your blog that can funnel traffic directly to your business website.

Article Writing

Writing articles with a strong resource box is your best free web site traffic generator. Due to its viral nature on the internet, articles that are published on websites and in newsletters of other ezine publishers will bring your website traffic. With each new article and publishing, your articles will reach more people building both traffic and branding You as an expert. With each article you write, your first stop is EzineArticles which is a high traffic article database used by webmasters and newsletter publishers to find fresh content. EzineArticles ( also publishes your articles in a search engine friendly format that lets internet surfers find the information they are seeking.

Every business website owner should take these keys to web site traffic seriously. The energy put into learning SEO, newsletter publishing, business blogging and article writing has a high return on investment.

Creating fresh dynamic articles in your area of interest and expertise will help you build up your website, fill your newsletter and draw traffic to your business blog. Submitting your articles to other webmasters and ezine publishers will further build your reputation beyond your own website.

Learning how to write and publish your articles on your website and your blog in a search engine friendly format means that you have covered all the bases.

Free web site traffic is initially very labor intensive but the investment of yourself in these four areas will bring you the success online you are striving to achieve.

Tammy Ames is the owner of WAHM Connections - Building your home internet business resource site with a weekly online newsletter Work at Home Connections Ezine

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19 Ways To Attract Higher Paying Clients

Some people have little difficulty attracting and
maintaining clients who have higher discretionary funds to
spend for solutions. Others can't get to first base. If you
are one of those and want clients that can pay more and you
currently aren't attracting them, here is a list of 10
barriers that might be interfering.

Higher paying clients are easier to work with, appreciate
your work more, pay quicker and are more profitable.

Whenever I am asked by a independent profession how to get a
client to pay more money, the first answer tends to be "you
can't." It is very difficult to raise your rates with your
existing clients. You generally need to find new, higher-
paying clients.

1. Equal stature. People usually take the time to listen
to people who are just as important as they are. Are you on
their listening level? Dress the way they do, even if you
deal with them only over the phone. Speak in their
language. Show the same type of authority and posture.
Avoid jargon and words they aren't familiar with, yet use
ones that they are. Talk across or equal not down or up.
Take control of the relationship. This may seem to
aggressive, however, this is the way you raise yourself to
their equal.

2. Thoroughly know their challenges and what solutions your
service/product provides.If you can't relate to their
"world" then they will not let you in. They are proud of
their "world" because they made it so.

3. Be friendly with all those that surround them.
Administrative secretary, receptionist, any of their
gatekeepers. Yes, they will report about you on your

4. The higher the ladder you go, the more likely they will
be a visionary. This means they are more concerned about
the future and will talk and think in those terms.
Visionaries are not price sensitive so don't even place that
on your radar screen with them. Know what their visions
are, support those visions in any way you can. If you have
a product or service that can make their business better,
you will have a sale. Remember though, it's their
perspective of "better" and not yours.

5. The higher you go, the more they expect in great service
and additional services outside the scope of what you
provide everyone else.

6. ALWAYS keep your promises before an after the sale and
they will keep the relationship. Break it once, yes,
usually just once and you're history.

7. Don't brown nose. They smell it a mile away. They will
either quickly turn you away or play you for entertainment
and then toss you away. Once you get this label you can
almost hang it up in their circle unless you fess up to your
inappropriate behavior.

8. They don't have the word "mistake" in their vocabulary.
Everything to them is a "learning lesson" and is connected
to a price tag. If you are even harboring some person
beliefs of making mistakes, they will sense this as fear.
And since fear has a special energy/vibration they have keen
senses for it.

9. Their first response to your proposal will always be
"how can they do it in house themselves." Expect to be able
to demonstrate the specialness and if you can particular
show how it can be completed in-house, the more brownie
points you earn. The higher your expertise or specialties
the less chance they can "create it in house." This is
because higher paying clients tend to gravitate to

10. The higher the clientele, the better their leveraging
skills are. If they can figure out how to leverage it
better and cheaper, you will lose. This isn't always true,
most times if they have too much on their plate already and
don't want to spend their focus time away AND they like you,
you can get the sale.

11. "No" is a test. Don't take anything for granted.
Flexibility and diversity are important in riding out the

12. Find clients to whom your work is not only valuable,
but essential to their goals.

13. Know your worth and stand by it.

14. Remove the "under earner" mind set.

15. Make it easy for them to work with you. Remove any
hoops or extra steps that take up their time.

16. Decide in advance what you're going to do if they don't
accept your higher fee.

17. Presentation level needs to be on their level or
perceived to be there.

18. Rely more on referrals for this market.

19. Be confident and know you can attract them. Feel and
allow the possibility without question -- 100%. Remove any

Millionaire Coach, Catherine Franz. Order her
latest strategy, How To "Get 'Them' To Follow Your Yellow
Brick Road".

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Content, Links, Relevance and Page Rank

By David Andrew Smith

EO experts are constantly telling us about the importance of good quality content and good quality back links from web sites with relevant content. They also tell us that reciprocal links and page rank are of decreasing importance. They then instruct us as to how to go about getting good links by personally contacting other web sites and proposing a reciprocal link! Confusing! As is much of the advice given to prospective site designers.

Personal experience with our own web site has shown that the following is correct and works;

· Content is the key. Lots of it, with constant up dates to it, and it should be well written and informative not just a sales pitch.

· The more pages you can create the better. Upwards of 100 pages will highlight your site as an important one. Sites with only a few pages rarely appear on the first page of search engine results.

· As the site ages its importance will increase. Those who got in early generally outperform the later sites. Google also have an ageing process for links. As these links approach six months old they become of more importance.

· Reciprocal links once gone through the ageing process are still being counted, even with Google’s updated algorithm.

· Article writing and publishing will produce huge numbers of backlinks. You should be looking to produce upwards of 30 articles and aim for around 250.

· Attaching a weblog to your site which is updated daily will increase the rate at which the search engines visit your site and at the same time adds valuable content and links.

· Page Rank has still some importance in determining your position in the rankings because it is based on the links and the content of your site. However the page rank as given by the Google Toolbar is not necessarily accurate. A more accurate page rank can be gauged from using the detail supplied by the Google Sitemap statistics. Consequently generate a sitemap and submit it to Google.

The most important piece of advice is to design your site for the visitor and not the search engines. Have as much information within the content as possible and keep the graphics to a minimum.

David Andrew Smith is the owner of a cleaning services company which operates throughout the UK

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Create a Google Sitemap for Your Web Site

By Herman Drost

Google Sitemaps is a simple and fast way for your site to be constantly indexed and updated by Google.

This article will discuss the benefits of implementing this new technology, who should use it, how it works and how to create a Google Sitemap for your web site.

Benefits of having a Google Site Map

1. Speeds up the discovery and addition of your web pages in the Google index.

2. Enables Google to quickly find web pages that have been recently changed.

3. A method for your site to be listed and appear quickly in Google.

4. Helps Google to keep search content fresh, so people have the most up to date information available.

Who should use Google Sitemaps?

All site owners can use Google sitemaps whether you have one page or millions of pages, however it's mostly geared towards people that make frequent changes to their web pages.

Normally web pages on a large site will not all get indexed because the links are too deep within the site. By including all your pages in the Google Sitemap you have a better chance of them all being indexed as Google thrives on fresh content. According to Google, it won't increase your site's rankings.

How does it work?

Google sitemaps are created using XML (Extensible Markup Language). This is a coding language similar to HTML(though a little more complex). It is often used these days in syndicated feeds or blogs.

Here is the sample XML code you would include for each page of your site:

<.url><.br> <.loc><./loc>

(remove periods for code to work)

Here is a breakdown of what each line represents:

location - name of your webpage ie

last modified - when you last modified the page.

change frequency - tells Google how often you modify that particular page, whether it's never, weekly, daily, hourly, monthly or yearly.

priority - sets the priority you want Google to place for that page on your site. You can prioritize your pages: 0.0 being the least, 1.0 being the highest, 0.5 is in the middle.

This is only relative to your site. It will not affect your rankings. Certain pages on your site may have more significance than others because they are updated more often ie home page, articles page.

How to Create a Dynamic Google SiteMap XML File

It would take a long time to create your Google Sitemap by hand especially if you have a site that contains 1000s of pages.

Fortunately Google provides the Sitemap Generator that allows you to generate a sitemap very quickly. It's a Python script that creates a Sitemap for your site using the Sitemap Protocol. This script can create Sitemaps from URL lists, web server directories, or from access logs.

You can read more about it here:

Other Sitemap Generators.

Google has also compiled a list of third party generators.

Personally I use the free sitemap generator It's simple to use and quickly produces the necessary XML code for your site.

Here are the steps on how to create your Sitemap using this free Sitemap Generator:

1. Go to and enter your site's address.
2. Copy the code that it generates for your site and paste it into notepad.
3. Save the text file as sitemap.xml
4. Upload this file to the root directory (same place as your home page) of your web server.
5. Open up a Google Site Map account and submit your site's address.
6. Every time you modify a page or pages, login to your Google account and click on the resubmit button.
7. Repeat this procedure for all of your web sites.


Google is still the largest and most accessed search engine on Net. Each year millions of web sites get added to Google making your site harder to find. Creating a Google Sitemap will help your web pages stay fresh in Google's index.

Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW) owner and author of Affordable Web Site Design and Web Hosting. You can read more of his in-depth articles at:

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Latest Website Promotion Ideas

By Steve Hill

I have written articles about website promotion in the past, however things on the internet are always changing and my opinions have now changed. This article is all about my new website promotion ideas, ideas which I use on my all of websites.

A good linking campaign is the main priority. Attempting to increase the number of backward links you have pointing to your website is essential. However you have to be careful. Here is a list of do's and do not's.


Increase the number of backward links pointing to your website slowly

Obtain backward links from within the same industry/market as your own

Build up the number of one-way links your website has pointing to it

Write articles and submit them to article directories

Add your website domain on all of your adverts, documentation and e-mails

Offer the visitors to your site the chance to sign up to a monthly newsletter

Offer the visitors to your site a free e-book

Write press releases

Do not:

Join a link building website to automate your linking requirements. These are tempting to join however are frowned upon by the search engines. Always remember hard work pays off.

Increase the number of backward links to quickly

Purchase too many link text ads

Just leave your website without any promotion, it will not grow on its own

Build hidden pages

In my opinion one-way links are vital. These are the most powerful form of backward link and the search engines love them. I can see no way in which they can penalise a site that is only acquiring these type of links.

The best and easiest way of obtaining these one-way links is by writing articles like the one you are reading. Once you have written the article, you then need to submit it to a number of article directories. You are able to add a link to your website on the bottom of the article and the hope is that other webmasters will want to include your article on their website, thus giving you a one-way link.

I have been writing articles for around a year and I must say it has done wonders for my businesses. The number of visitors to my sites have rocketed and the page rank have also steadily increased.

I hope you have found this article interesting to read and beneficial to you.

Good luck with your website promotion campaign

Stephen Hill has a number of websites including:

manual article submission service

anti aging website

debt reduction information

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How to Choose Keywords to Theme Your Pages and Boost Your Traffic

By Andrew Williams

One of the most frequent questions I get asked is in the choice of keywords for a new site, specifically secondary keywords.. These are the words or phrases that you use when writing your content to help theme the page so that the search engines know what your page is about. These secondary keywords also help to bring in more traffic, because they add more depth to your page, meaning that your page is found for a lot more phrases than just the primary phrase you page is built around.

Let's look at an example.

Suppose you were building a niche site on hemorrhoids.

One of your main pages is likely to be about treating hemorrhoids. Let's use "hemorrhoid treatment" as our primary keyword phrase for this page (it has high searches, but also high competition, so secondaries are going to be working hard to get this page ranking high for related phrases).

So how do you find secondary keywords for use on this page? Surely there cant be many possible secondaries?

Well, you have a few options for finding secondaries. There is a paid service called Thememaster which a lot of marketers use for this purpose (search Google for this one if you are interested - I have not used it, so cannot recommend it). However, my own favourite method is using Keyword Results Analyzer. If you own it, you have all you need to find those secondaries.

I carried out research at Wordtracker for this niche, and imported them into KRA. One of the strengths of KRA is the filtering and reporting features. To find secondary keywords, I simply filter the phrases that contain the word "treat". This will pull out all phrases containing treat, treatment etc. Since all phrases in my database are related to hemorrhoids, all phrases returned will be related to treating this condition.

KRA gives me 61 phrases that are searched for at the search engines related to hemorrhoid treatment. Now the difficulty is not how to find secondaries, it is how to choose from 61 related phrases (which is obviously too many for a single page).

Here are the 61 phrases:

Alternative Treatments Hemorrhoids
Best Hemorrhoid Treatment
Chiropractic Hemorrhoid Treatment
Cure Hemorrhoid Treatment Hemmoroids
External Hemorrhoid Treatment
Haemmaroid Treatment
Haemorrhoids Treatment
Haemorroid Treatment
Hemarroid Treatment
Hemorhoid Home Treatment
Hemorrhoid Cures And Treatments
Hemorrhoid Home Treatment
Hemorrhoid Home Treatments
Hemorrhoid Internal Treatment
Hemorrhoid Treat Holistic Herbal
Hemorrhoid Treatment
Hemorrhoid Treatment By Infrared Coagulation
Hemorrhoid Treatment By Micro Current
Hemorrhoid Treatment Cure
Hemorrhoid Treatment Drugs
Hemorrhoid Treatment Hemoids
Hemorrhoid Treatment Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoid Treatment Hemorrhoids Common Cure For Piles
Hemorrhoid Treatment In Pregnancy
Hemorrhoid Treatment Phoenix Az
Hemorrhoid Treatments
Hemorrhoid Treatments Hemorroids
Hemorrhoidal Polyps Treatment
Hemorrhoidal Treatments
Hemorrhoidectomy Treatment
Hemorrhoids Banding Surgical Treatment
Hemorrhoids External Treatment
Hemorrhoids Symptoms Causes And Treatments
Hemorrhoids Treatment
Hemorrhoids Treatment Care
Hemorrhoids Treatment Cure Hemorr
Hemorrhoids Treatment Of
Hemorrhoids Treatment Review
Hemorrihoid Treatment
Home Hemorrhoidal Treatments
How To Treat Hemorrhoids
Internal Bleeding Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoid Treatment
Internal Hemorrhoid Herbs Treatment
Internal Hemorrhoid Treatment
Irc Hemorrhoid Treatment
Kansas City Hemorrhoid Treatment
Laser Treatment For Hemorrhoids
Med Treatment Hemorrhoid
Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment
Natural Treatment Hemorrhoids
Natural Treatment Of Hemorrhoids
Natural Treatment Of Hemorrhoids During Preganancy
Pph Hemorrhoid Treatment
Treat Hemorrhoids What To Eat
Treating Haemmeroids
Treating Hemorrhoids
Treatment For Hemorrhoids
Treatment Hemorrhoids
Treatment Of Hemorrhoids
Treatment Of Hemorrhoids During Preganancy
Type Of Doctor To Treat Hemorrhoids

If you used all of these phrases as they are, you would not only have a very large page, but you would have a very high density of certain words like treatment, treating. We obviously have to be very careful about not using a word too many times, so one of the useful features built into KRA is its unique keyword list report. This report shows you all of the unique words that make up a set of phrases. Here are the unique words that make up the above phrases:


What this list gives you is a set of keywords that you can use in your content where they make sense. By adding these words to your page, you can theme your page so that it matches lots of frequently searched for phrases.

For example, if you used these words:


on your page, you would have the chance to rank in Google for "treat hemorrhoids", "treating hemorrhoids", "hemorrhoid treatment" & "hemorrhoid treatments".

By also using Mispelled variations of hemorrhoids highlighted in this list:


together with the above treatment words, you can expect to be found for search phrases containing every combination of the mispellings when searched with a treatment phrase. That's 48 different search phrases that your page could be found for.

Now, the above example is one I don't necessarily recommend you follow, since all those mispellings may make your page read very badly. But you get the idea.

Perhaps a better use of this type of unique keyword list would be to target the treatment/cure style keywords.

This would not look unnatural:


Add these into your content, together with a couple of alternative spellings, and you can have a page that can potentially rank well for large numbers of hemorrhoid treatment related phrases.

Imagine if you were a search engines, and after analysing your page for theme, you found the above words (and one or two spellings of hemorrhoid).

Would you have any difficulty deciding which theme the page was about?

For a free Wordtracker Tutorial (and several other free reports), sign up for Andy's free ezSEO Newsletter. No BS advice and tips for affiliate markete

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The Budget Webmaster's 6 Step Guide to Improving Existing Rankings in Google

By Tinu Abayomi-Paul

The Budget Webmaster’s 6 Step Guide to Improving Existing Rankings in Google

You know the scenario. You get an occasional click from Google for a certain keyword. You go to find out why you aren’t getting more clicks, and you find out that you’re ranked in the 30's, 50's, or heaven forbid, the 300's. “Great”, you think, “I finally get ranked for a good keyword and it’s a worthless ranking”.

Not necessarily.

If you got ranked for a keyword you wanted At All, the game’s not over yet. If your site’s content is geared towards that subject, you can get your ranking in search engines increased, at no cost. How?

The first thing you want to do is find out how well you are ranked for this keyword. For Google in particular, this used to be a difficult chore. In the old days of 2003, you’d spend your valuable time doing a search on your desired keyword, then a sub-search for your site, and crawling through pages of listings to find out exactly where you stood.

Now there is hope in the form of the following website. Direct your browser to:

You can use this site to find out what number you come up for in the Google listings, which can be very powerful information if used correctly. If you’re ranked in the top 1000, you have a shot at raising your listing for that page by tweaking the page to be a little more relevant.

So, secondly, you have to know how good a shot you have at getting a better listing. Go to:

I posted a tip about this a month ago, and it’s also in the free optimization Guide I released the week of March 7th. It tells you how hard it is to rank well for certain keywords in Google. You’ll need a free Google API key to use it.

Now that you know your chances, the third piece of information you need to know is how much traffic you can expect. Digital Point has a free tool that gives an approximation of how many hits per day a good ranking gets. Access it here:

Okay, let’s say everything checks out so far. You rank in the top 1000. The term you want won’t be that hard to get, and will get you enough traffic per month to justify your efforts.

Our fifth step is to take the term you chose and optimize your page.

This site does periodic reports on the search engines, and their February report gives their analysis of what the best ranking pages in Google have in common. And as a free bonus, it will also tell you what Yahoo wants. Follow the following link for details-

Now that you know what to shoot for, you need to know how the page you want will measure up- you need to calculate your keyword density. You can also do the sixth step at - it has a free tool that will calculate it for you. Prepare your page with that in mind, re-upload, and you’re almost done.

Great, you’re all set. Now you should submit your site to Google, right?

Wrong. Absolutely not. If you can help it, you should never, ever submit any page of your site to Google. Let it find you. HOW it finds you can affect your page rank. I don’t mean that there is a standard penalty for submitting. There’s been speculation on that for a while but I have yet to prove it matters.

What I DO know from personal experience and testing on my member’s sites, is that getting the Googlebot search engine spider to happen upon your site shaves up to 6 weeks off the standard time it takes for indexing. You can show up in Google in as little as 4 days.

Which site links to you can also affect your Google Page Rank. While this is not as important as it once was, it still carries significant weight– my site didn’t start getting spidered on a daily basis until my Page Rank increased to 5.

So even if the spider comes to your site on a Monthly basis, you’re better off waiting for the spider to come back by. That’s the seventh step, let your page be re-discovered with it’s great new changes.

And yes, there’s an even faster, better way to get’s search engine spider to re-index that page, but that’s another article, isn’t it?

For more free traffic tips, subscribe to her newsletter at or visit her feed enabled blog:

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The Disease of Google Banning: Are You At Risk?

By Wael Serag Eldin


Google banning occurs when Google removes your site from its index and flags your domain as 'banned', so it won't spider your site anymore. It is actually a serious disease and may be even life threatening specially for small websites.


Webmasters' mistakes are almost always the leading causes of google banning; here are some of the common mistakes that will get your website banned:

1. Using small or hidden text in your web pages. Some webmasters will try to use hidden text containing certain keywords inside their site, so that the text is not visible by the human eyes, but visible by search engines.

2. Using popular keywords such as "sex, mp3, yahoo" in the meta tags when the subject of your site has nothing to do with those keywords is commonly called keyword stuffing.

3. Participating in Link farms. Link farms or Free-for-all links pages are pages that consist of links and exist solely to help listed sites gain higher search engine rankings. These pages have no unique content just links. Obviously you can't control which sites link back to you, but if you link to link farms, your site will get banned.

4. Submitting multiple versions of the exact same page or an identical page for indexing. Some webmasters try to increase their page count by having similar pages and only changing the title, subject or small word changes.

5. Using unauthorized automated software to submit pages, check rankings, etc. Such programs violate Google's terms of service. Google does not recommend the use of products that send automatic or programmatic queries to Google. It is better to hand submit your site and only do so once a month.

6. Keyword stuffing: adding too many keywords in Meta tags or page text is called Spam and will get you banned. For example, if your website contains 400 words and the keyword phrase "website advertising" is repeated 50 times, the search engines will most likely think you are spamming them.

7. Using Doorway pages: Doorway pages are Web pages designed and built specifically to draw search engine visitors to your website. They are standalone pages designed only to act as doorways to your site. Doorway pages are a very bad idea for several reasons, though many SEO firms use them routinely.

8. Linking to a banned site, specially extensive linking as in networks.

9. Registering an already banned domain. Some webmasters, after their website becomes banned from google due to any reason, delete this domain and register another while the first domain remains banned from google. So, before you register a domain, make sure it is not banned by doing the test mentioned below in "Diagnosis".


1.The earliest manifestations of google banning are usually first noticed by the webmaster as a sudden and severe drop in the number of website visitors and when the webmaster tracks the referrers of his visitors, he will not find anymore visitors coming to his site from google.

2. Sudden drop of the google PageRank of all pages of the website from any level to 0.

The combination of the above 2 symptoms is highly suspicious for google banning specially if they occur suddenly to an "old", established, high ranking website. In case of "newly born" websites, the diagnosis may be difficult depending on the above manifestations alone as these manifestations may be normal and transient for new sites which have not been indexed by google yet and so their pagerank is still 0. In this case, we need an "urgent" diagnostic test.


The diagnosis of google banning is very easy, even for new sites that have not been indexed by google yet. The diagnosis is made by a simple, accurate, and rapid test:

Test: Provided the site suspected for google banning is called, do a search in google for

Results and interpretation: if www. is banned, google will say: "Sorry, no information is available for the URL" WITHOUT a direct link to This sign differentiates between banned sites and new non-indexed sites. In the later case, there will be a direct link to, and google search results will say: "Sorry, no information is available for the URL" followed by "If the URL is valid, try visiting that web page by clicking on the following link:". This sign is absent in banned sites.


Google banning is an infectious disease; all sites linking to the banned site are at a risk of catching the banning. So it is usual that many link partners escape and on the long run, the site will lose many of its inbound links.


Prevention is always easier than treatment, and fortunately, google banning is a preventable disease. Prevention is easy, you don't need to do anything to avoid banning, just don't do bad things, most of them are mentioned above.


Unfortunately, no curative treatment is available and the prognosis is bad, just palliative treatment:

1. Treatment of the cause. The first thing to do is to correct the cause. If you are not sure there must be some errors you suspect, correct all of them.

3. Isolation: if you have other websites linking to the banned sites, remove their links to it to avoid them catching the infection.

2. Writing to google:

After you have corrected all possible errors, email google at with an reinclusion request. The following is a template of reinclusion request letter:

Dear Google,

I am the owner of

I did not realize that (doing a mistake) was a bad thing that would get me banned from Google. Now, I understand that I have done a mistake, and I apologize profusely. I have removed (bad thing) from my site, and I promise not to make this mistake again.

I am asking you to Please Consider reinstating my website, , into Google's Index.


4. Domain transplantation: many people just ditch the former domain name and start with something new. It is much easier to build a site from a PR3 or PR4 (which most new sites are given) rather than trying to dig a banned site from the depths of PR0.

Last word:

Google banning is google's defense mechanism to keep their search results as accurate and useful as possible and it is their right, however, in my opinion, it is a very severe and even fatal punishment for webmasters' mistakes. If google has the right to ban a site from its search results, its right to take off its pagerank is questionable. Page rank is a measure of site popularity and "I am bad" does not necessarily mean that "I am not popular".

Author: Dr Wael Serag, a specialist in SEO diseases and complications. Improve your SEO health and get free articles, tools and more at:

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What is The Google Sandbox Effect?

By Jakob Jelling

In the age of fair competition you may find it hard to believe that a search engine may hinder the appearance of a new website. This is what is currently believed to be happening on more web servers today. Some programmers have viewed Google as uncomfortable to rank newer websites until they have proven their viability to exist for more than a period of “x” months. Thus the term “Sandbox Effect” applies to the idea that all new websites have their ratings placed in a holding tank until such time is deemed appropriate before a ranking can commence.

However the website is not hindered as much as the links that are reciprocated from other users. Newer links that are created are put on a “probationary” status until again they pickup in rank from other matured sites or placed directly by an ad campaign. The idea behind the hindrance is to prevent a fast ranking to occur on a new website. The usual holding period seems to be between 90 and 120 days before a site would start obtaining rank from reciprocal or back linking.

Some advice has been given to have companies you are going to reciprocate back add your link first to the website. This may help grandfather your site in, thus reducing the waiting time associated with “new” websites. People have noticed a 0 page rank when first signing up and receiving a bolstering 7 page ranking after 4 months. Why the delay? The fact is, that if people realized how easy it would be to get a high ranking, would that take away the credibility of the engine. It depends on whom you ask, but it does seem to be happening frequently to newer subscribers. Do not discontinue back linking, your rank will eventually appear.

Jakob Jelling is the founder of Visit his website for the latest on planning, building, promoting and maintaining websites.

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New Features in Google Sitemaps

By Philip Nicosia

The Google Sitemap program has brought a high level of assistance to web developers, web designers and business owners who want to optimize how their website’s web pages are seen by the Google search engine. We all know how important page ranking is for a web page. The higher your page rank in Google, the more chances that it will be clicked and visited by visitors. Increased internet traffic is what drives sales and awareness for products and services.

The Google Sitemap program has become very popular because it made the task of submitting web pages to Google so much easier. A web developer or designer does not even have to worry about aking frequent changes to the web pages because it is more easily known by Google. By presenting a constantly fresh index of web pages for your web site you are assured that what is presented in Google is the latest pages that you are maintaining.

The very high popularity of Google Sitemap has encouraged Google’s team of engineers to develop and add more features to the program. These additions seek to make Google Sitemaps more intuitive and effective in its functions.

Google recently announced that it has again added a bevy of new features for the Google Sitemap program that just made certain aspects of the program so much easier to understand and maintain.

Here are the latest new features of the Google Sitemap program:

Query Stats. Knowing the top position of your website is important. With Google’s Query Stats, you will now know the top search queries where the results included your website as well as those that Google searchers actually clicked on. The position given is the average statistic posted over the last three weeks.

Top mobile search queries. Google acknowledges that there is a growing number of people who use mobile devices for browsing the internet and also consider it as a separate “demographic”. For this reason, the top mobile search queries feature shows web designers and developers the top search queries made from mobile devices in which the results showed their website. Web designers and web developers will see both the mobile searches of all web sites as well as the mobile searches of mobile-specific web sites. The results given by this feature will only appear if it is available in your web site. At this point of the development of this feature, Google only shows the top search queries and not the clicks made for those queries.

Downloading Sitemap details, statistics, and errors. Your Sitemap account now also contain additional information. You can now download information in the form of a comma separated value file. This type of file can be opened by using any text editor or spreadsheet program. You can decide to download the information on a per table basis, or you can opt to download Sitemap details, errors or statistics for all of the web sites in your Google Sitemaps account in one convenient file.

Philip Nicosia is the webmaster of which provides a free site map generator which produces sitemaps in XML format for Google together with Yahoo site maps and HTML sitemaps for human visitors.

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Reciprocal Linking Scams, What to Look for and How to Avoid Them

By Brian Osborne

Reciprocal linking scams have increased immensely during the past year. Initially we thought that this problem only related to gambling and casino related websites but an audit of our commercial link partners suggests that it is a serious problem within the broader online community.

Over the past eighteen months, we noticed that our page rank was slowly declining despite the fact that we were continually adding new link partners to our link directory. We had slipped from a five down to a two before we finally identified the exact cause of the problem.

Out of the first 100 links on our anchor site, only seven were still being reciprocated.

We recrawled the sites where no link was found with a second spider and got exactly the same result. Then we started manually checking the sites where no link back was found and started discovering patterns of deliberate link fraud.

The scams in order of popularity amongst the scammers – 1. The link on the home page to the link directory remained but clicking on it or specific directory links produced a template style page with a few casino banners or simply a page with no directory content – This scam was most popular with the owners of multiple domains with the and suffixes

2. The link on the home page to the link directory remained but clicking on gambling or casino related links returned a list of links to sites owned solely by the same person or company. The worst offenders in this group preferred domain extensions of .biz, .us and .md

3. The link directory index page remained but the link directory had been severely pruned and most remaining links were to the site owners other sites or to casinos. This one is common across all suffixes.

4. Links not clickable – links to the directory and various pages within the directory remained intact. At the time of their link exchange campaign, their links were clickable but at some stage after that the code that makes the link clickable was removed and the site name was placed in bold text so at a glance it appeared to be a legitimate clickable link. This scam is most favored by sites that place a miniature screen shot of the index page of your site beside your back link.

5. A variation of the previous scam. When you run your mouse pointer over the page, the ‘links’ change color but no URL displays in the search bar at the bottom of your browser window. Right click has been disabled on the page so that most people looking at the page cannot see the code. If you use Dreamweaver MX or later, highlight the part of the page you want to look at and then using Control C copy it to the clip board and then use Control V to paste it into the design side of a basic Dreamweaver page. When you click on code you can see what they were attempting to stop you seeing. It may work in the later versions of similar authoring programs. Worst offenders are a poker room and a media company operating out of India.

6. One way link exchanges – usually you are contacted by a search engine optimization company or the SEO person for a large group of websites offering you multiple one way link exchanges with half of their sites if you will link back to the other half of their sites. After a few weeks or months the links to your sites are deleted. The worst offender in this group is a prominent search engine optimization company located in India.

7. Your link starts out on a page with fair page rank usually attached to a domain with high page rank. But after a few weeks is moved to a boon docks page with no page rank that will never be indexed. – common amongst higher PR sites.

8. The link directory is on another domain with no page rank. When you click on the link to the directory on the home page, always watch the bar in the bottom of your browser window and see that the link you clicked is in fact on the domain with which you are exchanging links – watch especially for domain names that are very similar e.g. one letter different in the spelling or a .net instead of a .com and link pages that are hosted on the domain of a link management company. Also watch for redirects. If suspicious go back and click the link again. Often the redirected URL flashes up for only an instant or it just takes an inordinate time for the page to load compared to other pages on the site. If in doubt search for a site map - very popular with some owners of multiple bingo sites.

9. Sub domains of domains with no page rank. Sub domains are supposed to always rank lower than the parent domain. (Of late I have found a few sub domains with up to PR3 attached to a domain with no page rank) If the parent domain has a page rank of zero then link pages attached to that sub domain will almost always be zero so why trade a good link for a dud link?

10. We have never fallen for any in this group but many novice webmasters do so regularly. Beware of high PR sites offering you a link exchange on one of their inconsequential internal pages with the same PR as your index page in return for you placing a graphic link to their index page on your index page. This is a deliberate attempt to steal your hard earned traffic. A variation of this one is they have a number of new sites listed on their index page each month and visitors are encouraged to vote for the site they consider to be the best and you are asked to ask your visitors to vote for your site at the high ranked domain. The purpose is still the same as in the first example in this group.

11. We no longer trade links with sites using Linksmanager unless the link to our site is to be on a hard coded page. You can search in their search box for their link to your site and if they are still linking to you, your URL and site description will be returned but no information to show which page your link is on. Google usually indexes only a few pages in each category of dynamically generated link directories. If your link has not been added to an indexed page, it is unlikely to ever end up on one. When we had a large number of indexed back links, no link manager links were ever returned in a back link querry.

12. Be wary of link exchange requests from webmasters using anonymous e-mail addresses because when they delete your back link they also delete the anonymous e-mail address.

13. Beware of webmasters with PR 5 or above sites offering you a link exchange with a high PR site and an inspection of their link directory suggests that your link will end up on a non indexed page i.e. a useless link that is unlikely to ever improve. If the link exchange was with a PR 2 or 3 site there is at least reasonable potential for the PR of the page to increase if the link directory has been fairly constructed.

Reduce exposure to link scams

To reduce your exposure to such scams it is essential to carefully vet all potential link partners in the first instance. Enter link back partner details in a database. As an absolute minimum, enter their URL, the location of the link back on their site, the page rank of the page on which your link is located, the date of the link exchange and a real e-mail address for the contact person.

Use a good link checking program monthly and contact offenders as soon as you find your link is missing from their site. This is now essential to keep link partners honest. This problem is a direct consequence of the current page rank system and fierce competition for top rankings. It is easier to retain existing link partners than to continually find new ones.

Points to look for when Assessing Potential Link Partners

Before trading links, look carefully at the other site – 1. If there is no link to the link directory on the index page –Reject. You will get no traffic from that site.

2. Look at the structure of their link directory and count the number of clicks from their index page to where their link to you is likely to be located and then deduct that number from the PR of the site’s index page. If that page is PR3 and there are three clicks to get to the page on which your link will be located, that page will have a PR0. That link will be worthless unless the site gets a minimum of a PR4.

3. If you have not already done so, download Google’s tool bar. If the page rank bar is grayed out, when you are looking at a site, never trade links with that site. The grey bar is said to indicate that the site is banned by Google. I do not know if that is true but I have only ever seen two sites produce grey bars.

4. A growing number of sites with dynamically generated link directories have no page rank on any link pages even though the directories are often constructed in such a way that you would expect the page to rank to be 2 points below the home page. I do not know how most are achieving this. The visible way is to have multiple folders and index pages leading to the links pages and the number of clicks from the home page destroys any potential page rank for the link page. A rare method is to add a no index command for the link directory in their robots.txt file.

Just remember links to such sites are one way links from your site to their site. You give them a good link and they give you a worthless link. A link on a page with a PR0 is a non indexed link and carries no value regardless of the page rank of the index page of the site to which it is attached. When you do a back link check on your domain in Google, you will notice that very few links to your domain that are on Google indexed pages with a PR of less than four are returned in your list of back links. This is why I and others consider that Google now discounts the value of such links.

For indexed pages, count the number of links on the page. The first factor in determining the value of the link is the page rank of the page on which it is located. The second factor is the number of links on the page. The value of the link to you is roughly the page PR divided by the number of links. Of course no one outside of a chosen few at Google knows the actual formula but that is a rough approximation and the reason most webmasters will not trade links with sites with more than 40 links to a page unless the page has a very high PR.

A link on the bottom of a good content page is always better value than a link on a directory page as more people are likely to click on it.

When on the receiving end of a link exchange request, do not hesitate to ask for your link to be placed on a specific page and do not hesitate to reject link requests from sites that do not adhere to basic acceptable linking practices. When considering link requests from new sites, look at any other sites that belong to or have been built by the webmaster proposing the link exchange. Most importantly, look to see if existing link pages have been indexed and the structure of the directory. This will be a good indicator of what to expect for the new site.

When you create your own link directory, consider a hand edited directory with the links at the same level as the rest of the pages on your site. That way your link pages will be only one point below your index page and you will attract more link requests because of that. Many high PR sites will not trade links with you unless you can place their link back on a minimum of a PR4 page. That way you can start shooting for the top once your index page makes a 5 as opposed to a 7 with the way many link directories are set up.

When you are shooting for the top, it helps you get those high pr links you need to make it to the top.

Article by Brian Osborne. Brian is an I.T. professional and the webmaster at, a site focusing on gambling strategies that also includes some articles of interest to webmasters.

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